Sunday, October 4, 2009

keywords advise before select!

Keyword Elite is a powerful tool created by Brad Callen to get the most lucrative and profitable traffic for your websites. This article will reveal how to use Keyword Elite for targeted, profitable traffic both from free search engines and pay per click advertising. Keep reading to find out where you can access an exclusive Keyword Elite bonus package valued at $1874.00.

When you open up the Google home page and type in your keyword or keyword phrase in the search box Google will return a list of sites relevant to the keyword you typed in. The sites on the left are sites who have usually worked very hard to optimize their website and get quality back links for their website. These sites don't pay any money to be in that position, their hard work has been rewarded with top Google rankings. If you glance to the right of the page you will usually see some ads appearing on the right in column format. There will also be some ads usually at the very top of the page. These ads are by Google Adwords advertisers. These advertisers are paying to be in that position to get their ads in front of people in the hope that their ads will be clicked on. One portion of website owners have got there for free. The other are paying for the service.

There is a software tool that can help you with both your search engine optimization for your websiteand your Google Adwords campaigns and I'm going to reveal how to use that tool for these purposes.

To use Keyword Elite for purely free search engine optimization follow these simple steps:

Select Project 1 in Keyword Elite which is "create a keyword list". Then in step 2 insert the main keyword that you believe you want to use to actively promote your website. Let's say your site was about bonsai gardening, that's the phrase that you would put into step 2.

Next go to step 3 and choose Overture and move the slider in step 4 to just 100 keywords.

As we aren't after a massive keyword list but a smaller list of highly targeted and related keywords we choose Overture and a small number of keywords. Then once Keyword Elite has completed the task click on "report view" and "edit tab". This is the place to further analyze competitive keywords.

Our goal now is to find out how much traffic these specific keywords would generate to our websites if we either used these words on Google Adwords or had high search engine rankings for these particular keywords.

Alternatively you could try using free keyword tools.

Such tools are the Overture keyword tool, the Good Keywords tool and even the Adwords keyword tool

Click on the first keyword in the generated list and just scroll down 15 or 20 words from the top. Select the top 20 keywords by holding SHIFT on your keyboard and clicking the 20th keyword. Simply right click and select "send keywords to project 2" from the menu. Many of the Keyword Elite projects are, in fact, interactive with one another.

Keyword Elite will automatically insert the keywords that you have selected into project 2.

Next simply select all of the search engines in step 3 as we want to get as much information as we possibly can about these 20 keywords. In step 4 of this project choose KEI, Google broad match and Top Bids. Then click okay.

After Keyword Elite starts processing this task click on "report view". The area that's critical for us to analyze is "searches column" as this is the column that will give us a rough guide of how many visitors we would expect to get if we were ranking well in Overture for that term every month. To get an idea of the Google traffic you would get from a top Google ranking then multiply that Overture figure by 7.

This project in Keyword Elite is a fantastic way of analyzing whether to optimize your website for that keyword.

It's important to sort the "searches column" list in descending order so that the keyword that generates the most traffic is at the top.

I would advise that if your website is new (under a year old) you should not optimize your site for the top keyword. It's much easier when starting out to rank well for longer keyword tail phrases. So for this purpose I would suggest selecting 1-3 of the other keywords generated by Keyword Elite when you are first starting out.

Getting back to our project, click on the R/S ratio column as this will put the list in ascending order. You will then see keywords that have a low R/S ratio which means few people are advertising on these keywords, however, the good news is that there are a lot of monthly searches for this keyword. Therefore, it's a great niche to get started with as there is low competition but a lot of searches (buyers) looking for information on this topic.

You will also notice the Adwords CPC column and also Adwords clicks and position columns. This information tells us that if, for example, we had a number 1 Adwords position for bonsai gardening what we would expect to pay per click and how many clicks we would expect to receive every day.

This is a very powerful way of using Keyword Elite to see whether or not it is a good idea, and profitable, to bid on a certain keyword. This report will also tell you the number of other advertisers there are on Adwords. Typically, the best and most profitable keywords are usually the ones that have around 8-13 advertisers. This shows that people are making money from Adwords on this keyword plus the fact that there isn't too much Adwords competition.

Of course at this point you could also use Project 5 in Keyword Elite and legally spy on your Adwords competitors to find keywords that they are advertising on for more than a week.

If there are under 3 advertisers on Adwords for your keyword it probably means that people have tried advertising on that keyword and it hasn't proved profitable. So at this point take advantage of Keyword Elite and let it help you avoid making the same mistakes that other advertisers have already may.

Keyword Elite is a fantastic software tool to help you save money by analyzing keyword data before you waste your money on an ad campaign that is not going to be profitable.

Check out the website below to get more information about Keyword Elite and access to an exclusive Keyword Elite bonus valued at $1874.00

Copyright 2007. Wait! Don't download Keyword Elite unless it's from the website below. Download Keyword Elite for your online business at and download Keyword Elite bonus videos and exclusive Keyword Elite download bonuses (valued at over $1800.00) at my special Keyword Elite bonus page.

how popular the keywords?

Google adsense has been a magnificent way for webmasters to increase their revenue because they can turn their traffic into money. The more traffic you have, the more potential you have for earning money.

Many sites on the Internet, including mine, give out information on the top paying adsense keywords. These are the keywords that have been bid on the most on Google Adwords or Miva etc. It must be said though that the figure advertisers are bidding for these keywords is nowhere near what you will receive as a webmaster.

For example, let’s take the keyphrase “Car Insurance”. Advertisers are bidding between $42.53 - $53.95 for this keyphrase. Before you work out roughly how much you could earn, you need to do the following:

  1. Make sure that your website contains lots of content surrounding your chosen keyword. Do not put in the keyphrase hundreds of times; just make sure that you have evenly ‘sprinkled’ your phrase in your content. It needs to read well, and it needs to be informative to your visitors.
  2. Make sure that your keyphrase is in your main heading.
  3. Make sure, if you can, that your keyphrase is your subheading. For numbers 2 & 3, you can add other words to your heading and subheading, but just make sure that your phrase is within it.
  4. Make sure that if you have any images relating to your keyphrase, that the ‘alt text’ contains that phrase.

Right, now that you have ensured the above, you have increased the chances of earning top money when Google Adsense ads are placed and clicked on your website.

The general rule for working out how much you could expect to earn is to take the average Google Adwords CPC (i.e. – how much they are bidding for your keyphrase of interest), divide it by 2, and then divide that figure by 10.

The amount you get left with is a conservative figure for what you could expect to earn.

For example; the average CPC for car insurance is approximately $48.24.

$48.24 / 2 = $24.12

$24.12 / 10 = $2.41

As I just mentioned, this is an extremely conservative figure, but it is a lot more realistic that you will earn $2.41 when you start advertising for this keyphrase to begin with. It is very likely, as I will explain below, that this figure will increase if your site receives lots of traffic, has a high page ranking, and is therefore reputable to Google.

You must remember that Google knows if your website has just appeared up overnight, and there is no way that the top bidders’ adverts for your chosen keyphrase will be put up on your site. That makes sense though, because if you were an advertiser bidding $50 say for car insurance, you wouldn’t want your highly priced ad to appear on an overnight site, you would much prefer that it appeared on a very popular and reputable site.

Therefore, what you need to bear in mind is that as your site increases in popularity and page ranking, you will gradually get higher priced ads appearing on your site, which means that you will increase your earnings potential.

Many of these websites offering the top paying adsense keywords fail to mention these points, and many webmasters often become confused when they are only earning a few dollars per click instead of $50, which they were led to believe.

I hope this article has helped you understand a little bit more about Google Adsense. There is definitely a lot of money to be earnt from this opportunity, but these things take time and effort. If they didn’t, wouldn’t you be suspicious?

guide of keywords selection,how good that key!

Niche Keywords

It is common knowledge amongst search engine optimizers that finding "niche keywords" is fundamental in our quest to attract visitors to a website. There are many keyword suggestion tools that claim to find niche keywords but in practice they generate lists of keywords without any practical means or guidance for separating out the niche keywords for us. In this article "keywords" includes keyword phrases.

How do we define a niche keyword?

Surprisingly, there does not appear to have been even one serious attempt at a definition of a "niche keyword".

The following definition is recommended: A niche keyword is defined as having an above threshold search volume for the targeted locality of a website with potential for top ten positioning on the search engine results page (SERP) for that locality (country).


Although websites remain reachable from any location, the vast majority of websites are targeted at visitors within a country, state/county/province, or city/town. Only a minority of websites aim to provide information universally or seek sales internationally. Locality orientated searches form the fastest growing sector on the internet - currently estimated at 12%. A search that includes a locality has a better chance of converting on e-commerce and e-marketing websites.

When we seek niche keywords for locality based websites, we need data on the number of searches conducted for that locality and an assessment of the competition for the country specific search engines. The most popular search engine is Google. Examples of Google country specific search engines are, (Canada), (France) and (Japan). In addition to having the largest search database, and being free of charge, the Google keyword research tool has the advantage of providing both global and country specific monthly search volumes.

Threshold Search Volume

The threshold search volume that is acceptable for a website is dependent on its purpose.

A global information website might choose a threshold search volume of a thousand searches per month before it would consider creating a web page focused on a keyword.

A website seeking clients within a locality might consider the return on investment acceptable for developing a web page on a keyword with potential to attract even one additional client a month.

Top 10 Positioning on Search Engine Results Pages

Few searchers click on web pages positioned below the top ten on SERPs. Whereas 42% of searchers click on the number one positioned web page for a search, only 0.7% of searchers will click on the 11th positioned web page and 0.07% for the forty first positioned web page. Put another way, if the number one web page for a keyword receives 600 visitors, the 11th web page will receive 10 visitors and there will be just one click on the 41st. From an SEO point of view, a web page that cannot be positioned within the top ten positions for a keyword on the SERP will fail to bring much traffic.

Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty is an assessment of the chance of positioning a web page within the top ten positions on a SERP for a keyword.


Traditionally competition has been evaluated mainly by the number of 'results' which is the number of competing web pages. The Keyword Effectiveness Index - KEI - is the most popular formula for identifying "effective" keywords. It incorporates keyword popularity data (P = number of searches) and the competition (C). The formula is P2/C.

Invariably a search will show at least hundreds of competing web pages (results) and often millions. Whilst the number of results will provide some indication of keyword difficulty, it is the strength of the top ten web pages compared to the potential strength of the page we can build on our website that will determine if our page can reach the top ten. The competitive strength of the top ten competing web pages for a keyword is not a direct function of the total number of competing web pages. The strength of the competition of the top 10 competing web pages for a keyword with only 10 thousand competitors will be far greater than 1,000th of the strength of the competition for a keyword with 10 million competitors.

From a search engine optimization perspective every web page should be optimized around one keyword.

From a web design point of view, we need to consider three types of web pages:

1. Pages that are required to cover the theme of the website but are based on keywords that are so competitive that they are unlikely to achieve top page positioning and therefore will not bring visitors to the website. For example, a holiday accommodation advertising website may produce an excellent page on "Italy". If it provides useful information, it will be appreciated by visitors who arrive on the website. High positioning on the SERPs for "Italy" is unlikely, however much effort you put into it, and this page will not bring visitors from the search engines.

2. Pages that are required to cover the theme of the website and are based on niche keywords and may bring visitors to the website - in practice there are unlikely to be many of these.

3. Pages that are not obviously required to cover the theme of the website but are developed around relevant niche keywords from a list of keywords initially generated by a keyword suggestion tool. The difficulty here is separating out the niche keywords from the full list. We need to focus our precious time and SEO efforts on the niche keywords where we can successfully compete.

How do we find the niche keywords from a list of keywords initially generated by a keyword suggestion tool?

In 2004, it was estimated that Google included 200 factors in its positioning algorithm. In 2009, many search optimization optimizers believe Google now uses more than 300 factors. It is unlikely that each of these factors carry equal weighting.

Using retro-analysis of top ten positioned web pages for numerous keyword searches, the author identified the most important, but underestimated, factor in the Google algorithm that determines positioning on SERPs (D-Factor-I). It then became apparent that a second factor (D-Factor-II) significantly influenced positioning.

Once aware of D-Factor-I, identification of niche keywords by manual analysis of a list of keywords generated by my favourite keyword suggestion tool proved to be prohibitively time consuming. For a list of 50 keywords, the D-Factor-I must be determined for each of the top 10 web pages - 500 calculations. A unique, purpose built program - Keyword SEO Pro - has been commissioned. No analysis is required for D-Factor-II.

The Most Important Question In Search Engine Optimization

The most frequently asked question that I am asked by web site owners is "How can I get my web pages to the top on the SERPs for my keywords?" My advice may surprise you: Take out the "How"!

You will then have the most important question web site owners and search engine optimizers should be asking:-

"Can I get my web pages to the top on the SERPs for my keywords?"

Using the combination of Keyword SEO Pro to analyze for D-Factor-I for a list of keywords and by comparison with D-Factors-I and II for your own web pages, you will be able to identify your niche keywords and focus your SEO efforts appropriately.

David Viniker MD FRCOG is a Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist in London. The application of computing to medical education is one of his interests. He is the author and webmaster of, which has become the most popular personal website in its category on the internet.
Modern medicine has become evidenced based. The author has developed interests in search engine optimization and website design. By applying the principles for evidence based medicine to search engine optimization he has been led to develop Keyword SEO Pro ( ) which is a new, unique and essential keyword analysis tool for search engine optimization (SEO).